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Loop Data

Make Plans for your Loop Data

Time Estimate

  • Apple Health: 0 minutes, already a part of your system
  • Tidepool: 30 minutes to set up an account and then choose how to upload from the Loop app to Tidepool
    • option: add Tidepool Mobile to your phone and upload via Apple Health data
    • option: add upload to Tidepool as a Service in the Loop app
      • You can still use the Mobile app to take notes; but you must disable the Mobile app permission to read Health data - otherwise you get data uploaded twice
  • Nightscout:
    • 1-2 hours to build it yourself if you've never done it before
    • 1 hour to choose and sign up for a service if you want to pay someone


  • Review the three major systems that can store and show your Loop data.
  • Set up either Tidepool or Nightscout prior to your next endo appointment to provide Looping data to review.


  • Do I have to set one of these up? Apple Health is already built into your iPhone and used by Loop, so there's no setup involved.
  • Do I need all three? No, you can choose what suits you best. You can add a data system later.
  • Why do I need any of these? With the Loop app, your PDM (Omnipod) is not used or your pump (Medtronic) does not have sufficient memory for all the commands. Your endo will have nothing to download at your next visit. You need to provide them with the information.
  • Is it worth the time to setup Nightscout? I feel like I'm already doing so much outside my comfort zone. Yes. Loopers find it is definitely worth the time investment. Nightscout provides essential data for evaluating settings and useful alarms and alerts. Some Facebook help sites require Nightscout data to diagnose and suggest steps to address problems. There are fee-based services that will set up Nightscout for you, if you don't want to build it yourself.

Data Options

Take some time to familiarize yourself with these data options and choose your preferred system(s). Many Loopers use all three for various aspects.

  • Apple Health app
    • Great resource to view on the Loop phone
    • Not so great for showing your endo
  • Tidepool
    • Some endo offices will use your Tidepool website when you provide them with an invitation
    • Many users of the mobile app like the note-taking ability
      • The mobile app also uploads Apple HealthKit data to Tidepool when the "Read from Apple Health" option is selected
      • If you are using the Loop app to upload to Tidepool, be sure to disable the "Read from Apple Health" option in the Mobile app
    • With Version 3.2 of the Loop app, you can upload directly as a Service within the Loop app
      • If you use the mobile Tidepool app on your phone for note-taking, be sure to disable the read from Apple Health option in the mobile Tidepool app settings to avoid duplicate uploads
      • If you use the mobile Tidepool app on your phone for uploading only, then it is no longer needed when you upload directly to Tidepool as a Service within the Loop app
  • Nightscout:
    • LoopDocs: Nightscout section of LoopDocs, has Loop-centric information about Nightscout
    • LoopTips: Nightscout link to LoopTips page on Nightscout
    • Nightscout: Documentation official Nightscout site with lots of information about building and using Nightscout
    • Nightscout has a lot of useful alarms and alerts, provides a care portal and detailed reports
    • For those who assist someone who is Looping, Nightscout enables the caregiver to provide remote commands to the Looper's phone
      • Loop 2 allows overrides to be enabled or disabled remotely
      • Loop 3 allows remote commands for carbs, bolus, or overrides
      • The Loop Caregiver app is under development but already has sufficient capabilities to be useful for caregivers to monitor and provide remote commands to their Looper's phone

Nightscout options include free or nominal cost sites you build yourself or there are several Nightscout as a Service vendors who provide turn-key sites for a monthly fee. Links to the options are found in the Nightscout: Documentation.

Nightscout provides a secure, real-time Dashboard with status of the Loop app visible to anyone with access codes and the internet. It is required for remote commanding.

If you plan to use remote commanding with Nightscout, please read these links with additional information:

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